Steve Jobs Has Died

It has been announced today that Steve Jobs has died. We all knew he was ill. He had somehow managed to avoid death for 8 years after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. We all hoped he would last forever.

One of the bright lights in the world has gone out. Steve Jobs was someone to pattern yourself after. He took risks. He believed in what he was doing. He believed in making the world change, regardless of whether it was ready to or not. I can only hope that Apple can carry his vision forward for years to come.

Macrumors has a wonderful post up that you should all go read. has updated their site with a stunning tribute.

President Barack Obama's press release is also worth a read.

Ken Segal has remixed "The Crazy Ones" ad as a tribute to Steve Jobs. Watch below:

Thanks for making the tools we use on a daily basis. Thanks for being a champion of great design. Thanks for having a love for stories and being a great story teller. Thanks for making font a word normal people know. Thanks for being able to execute on your vision. You have inspired more than you will ever know.

Rest In Peace Steve. Until next time.

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