FortWhyte Alive Launches

This past week the FortWhyte Centre here in Winnipeg launched the latest version of their website to the public. The latest version was designed by Deschenes Regnier and coded by we here at Visual Lizard. This version provides the people at FortWhyte with access to freely modify their content at will. The new site includes a new events calendar, a news article archive, a photo gallery system, and a message forum.

We are already working on additional features which will make the new site even more user friendly. We are developing a map feature which will allow the administrators of the site to add and remove points of interest from a map of FortWhyte. This new feature will allow FortWhyte to highlight temporary events on the map giving the viewer a visual key to finding the events which they are interested is seeing.

We have worked with FortWhyte in the past to make their website a central feature of the FortWhyte Centre. They returned to us this year and we have succeeded once more at providing them with an online centrepiece of which they will be proud.

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