Mark Pilgrim Has Removed Himself From the Internet

Mark Pilgrim, a long time voice on the internet and author of many of the sites we have visited over the years, has pulled the switch and removed all his digitial works. Every last one of them has gone dark. 

Apprently this has kicked up a search, headed by Eric Meyer - see his post - that led to the police being called. Which, in reality, is a good thing. There is precedent that software developers / programmers can suffer burn out and then commit info-cide followed by suicide. Wikipedia page (considered for deletion) with a list.

Right now, this entire thing is a little bit of drama on WWW, but it sure feels alot like _why's disapparence in 2009. 

If you are a fan of Mark's work (and you should be), some of his stuff is now being mirrored on GitHub. Here are a handful of links:


To Mark, thanks for all the words. The internet is a better place for most people because of the work you helped us produce. Here is to finding what you are looking for. Cheers.

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