Covid-19, Work From Home and Social Distancing

If you haven't been paying attention, or aren't taking this seriously, you should watch:

Visual Lizard will be helping flatten the curve by working from home over the foreseeable future. If you need to get ahold of us, please use basecamp, email, or the contact form.

Visual Lizard Will Be Reducing Our Office Time Considerably And Working From Home

Take care of yourself, help others if you are able, and listen to what the experts are telling us needs to be done. Stay safe, and remember that we are all in this together.

Government of Canada UPDATES:

Support for Business during Covid-19

Daily sars-cov-2 case counts in Canada

MB Government and MB Health UPDATES:

March 20, 2020 - Manitoba Government declares state of emergency. No gatherings over 50, 2m social distancing at all times, bars and restaurants can stay open, but no more than 50 people in the building at one time, same with stores that chose to remain open. See CBC news story for MB Mar 20 2020

MB GOV tracking all flights with confirmed COVID-19 cases

NorthForge/MB Gov setup a volunteer to help if you can (or request help if you need it) site

Economic Development Winnipeg has put together a very excellent resource for businesses during the Covid19 pandemic

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