Blog for October 2006

Interesting Earth Sites gives you a window onto the world that shows births, deaths and consumption per country, in real time. Flash player needed. offers you a little quiz to see how much of an eco-footprint you are leaving behind. Prepare to feel guilty.

Jon Stewart on North Korea

If you haven't heard, North Korea detonated a nuclear test over the weekend. Jon Stewart sums it all up as only he can. Watch it over at

We Love Apple, but ...

Apple, the darlings of the computer world, with their industrial design, user-friendly products and "cool" cache are our favorites. We love our iPods. We are waiting for the Core Duo 2 chips to hit the MACBook Pro line and then we are getting 4 new machines.

However, we also love the environment. Recently Greenpeace has called Apple to task in regards to their products, toxins and waste. We would love to see Apple clean up. Sign up. Act.

Aaaagh! Use a freakin' Dictionary!

Fergie of the Black Eyed Peas has just put out a solo album called "The Dutchess" (sic). Somebody please tell me that this title is a joke or a play on words or something. If it isn’t a joke, somebody please tell me why a copy editor did not even look at the title of this album. Tell me why somebody didn’t bother to look up Duchess in a dictionary. It would only have taken a second as there are many dictionaries online which could have been checked. It is no wonder the English language and the Education system is going to hell in a hand-cart if we are not teaching our kids the proper spelling of simple words. To help you all out, the following is the definition of Duchess according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary Online.

Main Entry: duch·ess
Pronunciation: ’duh-chess
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English duchesse, from Anglo-French, from duc duke
1 : the wife or widow of a duke
2 : a woman who holds the rank of duke in her own right