The company has been testing the app for more than two years and has, until now, made every interested user sign up for a waitlist. But now, it’s launching for real. Arc’s version number just jumped to 1.0, and anyone who wants to use Arc can go to and get the browser.
These make for a perfect limited edition collector’s item for hardcore arcade fans, and are a 1:1 recreation of the original boards. So they would also work as an actual replacement for a damaged board from an original cabinet.
Google's plan is that, during a webpage transaction, the web server could require you to pass an "environment attestation" test before you get any data. For now this is only a "proposal" API, but in May Google published an "intent to prototype" notice, meaning it's building the feature into Chrome right now for testing. Google's document pinky-promises the company doesn't want to use this for anything evil.
“There is more to do, but this deployment concludes the four months the site was available in Beta, which followed a year of internal preparation, and two years of work with UK-based digital agency Studio 24, to whom we awarded the website redesign project in early 2020.”
WorldWideWeb is a simple web server that is free iOS, iPadOS, and macOS app by Iconfactory. Its been popular enough that they're adding a paid pro upgrade to support adding more features, ushc as the just-added auto-refresh.
I haven't followed the Lackadaisy webcomic for years now, so I'd missed that there was a Kickstarter on producing an animated version. Or at least a pilot episode. It's pretty great, and now I've got to find time to catch up on the webcomic.
Microsoft today announced that its Outlook app for Mac is now free to use, with a Microsoft 365 subscription or license no longer necessary. This is brilliant news, as it makes it more convenient for web dev testing and client support.
An information design agency working with data visualization every day challenged themselves to accomplish this using insightful and visually appealing visualizations.
The goals of the redesign are to achieve a cleaner and modern look and greater usability, better accessibility, as well as ultimately simplifying how the site is managed. W3C invites your feedback on the beta site, on website or content issues, and are using GitHub to manage comments.
Apparently, the AI powered Bing has some issues. Most of which make it seem like it learned how to be an AI by reading a lot of evil-AI science fiction. Which, given that's it's just predicting what word should come next based on the ones already provided, is probably painfully close to the truth. The training data had to come from somewhere.