New Version, New Look
This is the third iteration of the Tourism Winnipeg design since the organization restructured about 6 years ago. Visually this version of the site now takes advantage of some of the more advanced techniques allowed by CSS3 and HTML5. It is also using some new javascript to enhance the user's visual experience by having background elements scrolling at different rates and there are some interactive items that allow the visitor to browse Featured Promotions and Must See events.
Latest version of Catalyst CMS
We upgraded this version of the site to use the latest version of our Catalyst Content Management System. We have included some further advanced tracking that the administrators asked for in order to update their partners on how effective promotions and advertising elements are.
Tourism, Meetings & Conventions, Travel Trade
The site is really three different sites promoting different aspects of Tourism in Winnipeg. Each of these sections received a "new coat of paint" and the administrative tools are all under one access point for the administrators.
Content from the CRM
We have updated the administrative interaction with their Customer Relationship Management system so that the updates made to that system get transferred directly to the website. Tourism Winnipeg can make changes within their own CRM and in turn the website receives the updated information and displays it to the public. We've also built a filtering tool so that the public doesn't have to scroll through dozens or even hundreds of profiles. They can narrow their search through the site down to manageable chunks.