What We Can Do For You!
This Investor Portal site is a custom web application designed to provide member investors with access to information and data that the Yes! Winnipeg organization gathers as part of the economic development of the city of Winnipeg. Member investors have their own custom profile that can be updated and as things progress they will also be able to supply the Yes! Winnipeg organization with details on what they may need for the growth of their businesses while also benefiting the economic development of the city.
Members have access to business sector profiles and other documentation that Yes! Winnipeg disseminates to its membership. For Yes! Winnipeg this portal allows them to track what assets are being used most and least in order to shape and customize the information they provide to their membership.
With custom integration of Google Data Studio reports, the administrators can see who is using the portal and where their interests lie. As a result they can customize their approach to how they serve each of their members. And all of these tools and editors are customized parts to our Catalyst CMS.